Writing Circle with Deb Luskin

24 Jul @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Facilitated by Deborah Lee Luskin
SUNDAY, JULY 24, 2022, 3-5 PM




The Writing Circles facilitated by Deborah Lee Luskin allow writers of any ability to overcome the fear and loneliness of facing a blank page. Writing from prompts in the company of others is a proven format that creates a kind of writing magic from which everyone benefits.

Note the words “any ability” and “writing magic.” So many of us have the desire to write but think we don’t have the skills. We remember those assignments in school that created fear in our hearts, or the well-meaning, but often unkind, comments about our writing ability.

Letting go of the idea that we can’t write is a joyful experience! Join us on July 24th for a positive, uplifting, supportive writing workshop. Prompts will focus on Jewish and seasonal themes.

Cost for the workshop will be $25 per person.
We need to guarantee eight participants by June 30th for the Writing Circle to be confirmed.

Please email Martha at marthadmin@bajcvermont.org to indicate your interest. Payment for the workshop will be requested as soon as the event is confirmed on June 30.

Deborah Lee Luskin is a writer by vocation and a Vermonter by choice. Into the Wilderness is her first published novel. Deborah is a skilled writer, talented teacher, eagle-eyed editor and entertaining public speaker. More information can be found at Writing Circles – Deborah Lee Luskin.