Welcome to Brattleboro Area Jewish Community, Congregation Shir Heharim

Our mission is to provide a context and structure for people to be Jewish together in a rural environment. This community fosters Jewish pride and identity by participating together in religious, spiritual, educational, social, and cultural experiences. We welcome anyone interested in participating and learning.

Support BAJC

You can use this donate button to make payments for membership and Yalla Chaverim, or any other type of donation.
You’ll have an option to make the payment in honor or in memory of someone.

We’ve moved to a new payment system: ShalomCloud. This will make it possible for congregants to look up their pledges and payments, and for BAJC to automate things like sending end-of-year tax statements. Read more about our ShalomCloud implementation, and why we trust this system.

Make your membership commitment for 5785 (2024-2025)

BAJC has a “Gift from the Heart” policy rather than traditional set dues, in order to include everyone who wants to belong in our tent.

Community members declare a pledge to Brattleboro Area Jewish Community as a way to say, “Yes, I am a member of this community.” Your pledge also helps us plan so we can meet our budget!

BAJC membership pledge form

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