Shabbat Shira & Tu B'Shvat Seder

08 Feb @ 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Service at 10 AM, Seder at 12:30PM

On Shabbat Shira we chant the Song of the Sea, sung by the Children of Israel after they crossed through the Sea of Reeds. We will also celebrate the holiday of Tu B’Shvat (which occurs on February 13 this year) by having a special Seder for Tu B’Shvat (new year of the trees) created by the Kabbalists of Tzfat.

Whether or not you have ever participated in this mystical (and also very down-to-earth) celebration of trees with a festive meal of fruits & nuts that grow on them, please join us for this (very-different-from-Passover) Seder.

Feel free to come for services and leave before the Seder, skip the service and show up at 12:30 for the Seder, or join in for both celebrations! If you would like to join the seder, please bring specific fruits, nuts or other traditional items as indicated on the link below. (Everyone is welcome whether or not you bring something.)

Sign Up Genius at this link.