Intro to Judaism - Prayer & Meditation

15 Mar @ 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Meets on Zoom:

Class Schedule:

  • March 15 – Prayer & Meditation
    Why Jews traditionally pray three times per day.
    Similarities and differences between Ma’ariv, Shacharit, and Mincha (evening, morning and afternoon prayers) Similarities and differences between weekday and Shabbat services: Birkot Hashachar and Pesukei d’Zimra (the warm-up to prayer).
  • March 22 – Problematics and Pearls of Purim
  • March 29 – The Shema and its Blessings (Barchu through Mi Kamocha)
  • April 12 – The Shabbat Amidah (Standing Prayer) – the Seven Blessings
  • April 19 – The Weekday Amidah: Why is this called HaTefilah – THE Prayer? The 13 petitions between the first three and the last three blessings.
  • April 26 – Continuation of Weekday Amidah, if necessary.
    Blessings before and after eating.