About BAJC ShalomCloud

BAJC will be using an online system, ShalomCloud, to enter financial contributions and update information about our community members. When we finish implementation of our contributions portal, you’ll be able to:
  • Make contributions online with a credit card or bank account (ACH payment)
  • View your pledges or other financial commitments (e.g. Yalla Chaverim fees)
  • View your past payments
  • Update information about your interests and people in your family or household (if applicable)

BAJC implementation status & updates

Work in progress

  • Set up member portal so people can view pledges and payments

Things we’re working on next

  1. In addition to financial information, we’ll maintain individual data in ShalomCloud so BAJC has a single source of contact information, interests, and yahrzeits of members and friends. People will be able to update their information in the future
  2. Send end-of-fiscal-year statements to members at the beginning of August so people can be sure they are up-to-date, and so BAJC does due diligence toward receiving funds
  3. Send people a ShalomCloud 5785 commitment form so people can confirm or update the information they’ve previously provided BAJC, and so BAJC can budget and plan based on people’s commitments and interests

ShalomCloud’s setup uses financial-grade security

ShalomCloud does not store credit card or ACH payments. ShalomCloud uses the large financial-grade payment gateway Gulf Management Systems.

The database resides on its own server, and the IP address of that server is not open to the Internet. It is a private IP address, accessible only from within their Virtual Private Cloud.

Within the application itself are a number of protections against typical attacks such as cross site scripting and SQL injection.

In ShalomCloud, we limit access to the least amount of information necessary. Only the Administrator and President can view individual financial records. We assign view-only and edit access to specific Board Members and staff based on need.

In ShalomCloud, we can view an audit trail of all changes, when they were made, and by whom.

If you have questions or concerns, we’d love to speak with you

Contact Julie Strothman, julie@bajcvermont.org