BAJC Special Funds

Whatever level you choose to give, tzedakah is an act of love, kindness and compassion. We thank you in advance for taking the time to learn more about the opportunities to help sustain Brattleboro Area Jewish Community, Congregation Shir Heharim.

Support BAJC Congregation Shir Heharim alongside members and friends within our community—our funds are designed to provide opportunities for all to participate at whatever level is comfortable. Young philanthropists, longtime congregants, and esteemed benefactors and patrons all come together to ensure that our congregation will thrive.

Our fundraising correlates directly to the three pillars of synagogue life:  Worship, Education, and Community. Donations fund the myriad enrichments and opportunities at our Temple, building on the foundation of support provided by membership dues, tuition, and program fees.

When you give to one of our Funds you not only make a difference today, but you help secure BAJC’s future for the next century of worshipers.  We hope you will consider a contribution in honor of a friend or relative, to remember loved ones, celebrate a special occasion, support BAJC’s mission, or to leave a legacy. If not today, perhaps you would consider a gift to the Temple as part of your estate planning.

For more information, or to consult with staff to create a personal giving program, please contact our Administrator, Faith Schuster  at

When you share your time, talents and financial resources, you live the call to tikkun olam — repairing our world. Please join with us in sharing your time and talents to create a more just world.

Support BAJC

You can use this donate button to give to a BAJC special fund, or to make payments for membership and Yalla Chaverim, or any other type of donation.
You’ll have an option to specify a special fund and to make the payment in honor or in memory of someone.

We’ve moved to a new payment system: ShalomCloud. This will make it possible for congregants to look up their pledges and payments, and for BAJC to automate things like sending end-of-year tax statements. Read more about our ShalomCloud implementation, and why we trust this system.

Building Fund: Managed by the building committee and the Board to maintain and repair our synagogue buildings and property as needed and to establish and maintain a fund for expansion and/or a new building

Cemetery Fund: Managed by the cemetery committee and the Board for the upkeep and care of our cemetery

Arts and Cultural Events Fund: Managed by the special events committee and the Board to support lectures, music, and special events not planned as fundraisers

Discretionary Fund: Monies are dispensed at the discretion of the BAJC spiritual leader under the guidelines of state and federal regulations governing non-profit organizations

Family in Need Fund: At the discretion of the Board, financial aid can be given to a member or member-family facing difficult times

Prayer Book Fund: This fund allows us to purchase prayer books as needed. Books can be inscribed “donated by . . .” and “in honor of…” or “in memory of…”

Redstone Israel Scholarship/URJ Camp Fund: This fund is dedicated to support young people for a kibbutz experience in Israel, and/or an approved Jewish sleep-away camp

Education Fund: This fund augments our Hebrew school budget for holiday celebrations and helps provide scholarships

Adult Education Fund: This fund provides honoraria for lectures or for teachers for adult education classes

Torah Fund: This fund helps keep our Torahs insured and in good repair. Perhaps sometime this fund will support the purchase of a new Torah or accoutrements for our Torahs

Gift Fund: This fund enables us to buy gifts for our teachers at the end of the school year and for others deemed worthy by the Board of Trustees for some special reason. 

Security Fund:
Managed by the Board to provide financial support for on-site security measures for our synagogue when needed.