Shir Heharim Brattleboro Area Jewish Community (BAJC) offers two youth and family based programs.
Yalla Tot Shabbat is an interactive program on 10 Fridays throughout the year for families with children ages 1-5. After interactive singing and storytelling, we make kiddush and share dinner with pizza, challah, hummus and grape juice. There is no charge for Yalla Tots although contributions are always welcome. Meetings are in person at BAJC, 151 Greenleaf Street, Brattleboro. Please email Rabbi Amita at
Yalla Chaverim is a fun, creative experience for youth ages 6-12 and their families, focused on building joy and community. Translated as “Let’s go Friends!,” Yalla Chaverim includes a wide variety of events: from puppet shows and baking hamantaschen for Purim, to making tashlich at the river on the new year (casting off the things we don’t want to carry forward), and discussing the finer points of tikkun olam (repairing the world) — and of course b’nai mitzvah prep. It’s led by BAJC’s Rabbi Amita Jarmon and three experienced teachers and takes place one Saturday and one Sunday per month during the 2024-2025 school year, plus Hebrew tutoring during the week for those interested.
Tuition is $400 per child for the school year, $700 if you have 2 children participating. Scholarships and work trade are available if needed.
For more information about Yalla Chaverim or Yalla Tots and to receive an application form email Rabbi Amita at
Major funding for Yalla Chaverim is provided by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation.